Laughs & Crafts After school club – April 2025


The best creative after school club hands down!

Together we will explore a range of textile disciplines including free hand stitching, knitting weaving and the like, but with a heavy focus on learning to sew well.

We encourage the children to make mistakes, to practice and fail, to enjoy the whole journey, not just the results and most importantly to have an ace time! The studio is equipped with everything your children might need to make their wildest creations come true in knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing and other handicrafts.

Includes all materials and notions used and various snacks – for Year 6 and above preferably. 

Drop off time is flexible, but pick up time must be bang on as we host evening workshops.



What skills will my kid learn?

Depends on what they are into. At the first session we will figure out the projects the kids want to make, and materials will be purchased ready for next time to make a start. We focus on longer more fulfilling projects rather than super glue and glitter quick crafts.

School finishes at 3:30pm so can my kid arrive later?

Thats ok! We understand kids will be travelling form various schools and will be trickling in and we will be eagerly waiting for them. The first 30 minutes is for settling in, snacking and getting the after school giggles out of their system before we knuckle down for crafts.

What happens if my kid is unable to attend a session?

Rats. The fee covers all sessions for the full term for the dates listed above and are we are unable to issue a refund for non attendance. You can email us and give us a heads up if you like, that would be nice.

Do you have these sessions for younger kids?

Nope. We find kids 10+ have the fine motor skills and attention span needed for this After School Club. In due time they will grow up and be able to join us. You are welcome to book kids 6+ into our ‘Freestyle Weaving’ workshops anytime though x

What snacks will you make?

Good ones. We will check if your kid has any dietary needs and make adjustments, but usually fruit and vege sticks with hummus, crackers, popcorn and sometimes home made muffins.

Are my kids safe?

Safe as houses. The studio is closed to the general public and MT Members during the classes. We have a pretty mega safe door too. Our facilitators hold current DBS certificates and are pretty good with the kids! MT is not a traditional school environment so the kids really let loose and are super involved. Its Terrific x

Laughs & Crafts After school club – April 2025



2 Days – Introduction to the loom from Warp to Weft


HIRE – Sewing Machine

From: £16.00
3 Sessions

Learn to Sew – March – SOLD OUT

Freestyle Weaving – MT Members Only

From: £45.00
Monthly Club
27 Mar

+ Craft Cult +

From: £6.66
19 Mar

Late Night Sewing

From: £35.00

Hire – Cutting Table

From: £30.00
2 Sessions

Pattern Drafting for beginners – with Ali

From: £200.00
3 Sessions

Learn to Sew – March – SOLD OUT

2 Sessions

Sew Jeans – with Ali

From: £210.00

Freestyle Weaving – On a Floor Loom

From: £45.00

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