I'm Back
Aotearoa was fab! But now I am back! See ya in the stduio real soon!

The only place in London providing a sewing and weaving studio with nonstop help every step of your journey!

Join the MT studio today. Book a machine and a cutting table and crack on with your projects with patient and expert guidance and tuition for Everything!

All of your creative dreams will come true x

We have a beautiful and peaceful creative studio - Everything is always set up and ready to go! Its truly magical x

Make Town is a Creative Textiles Makerspace

The only studio in London where you get creative support on the projects you actually wanna make, for a killer price when it suits you!

Make Town is peaceful and spacious! Spread across 3 floors and filled with quality equipment and notions to help you stay focussed on sewing, weaving and other handbased crafts.

Cheaper than traditional study and more hands on!

We are experienced and patient  teachers, and will help you become a more proficient and confident maker.

Rent our sewing machines to use in the studio, use our luxurious and enormous height adjustable cutting out tables, book into workshops, join our social club nights and enjoy the space and freedom of our perfect set up without any distractions and teachings!

A personal trainer in the creative industry just for you x

Become a MT Member for discounts, Freebies and never ending support.

It’s the best valued membership in London. Hands Down!!

We look forward to welcoming you to the MT whanuau x

Become a MT Member for ultimate kudos with terrific results

The choicest way to enjoy your process and stay motivated on your creative adventure is with regular studio visits. With us x

Our MT Studio will quickly become your home away from home, and the place you’d rather be to be honest.

A well lit, peaceful and spacious studio filled with everything you could possibly need. Patient tutors, friendly faces and always banging beats.

Better than the gym, a swim or hair trim. Feel the power of play through textiles and together we can make this grotty city a little bit brighter.

Try it, you just might like it…

Tumeke x

Make Town Memberships

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